Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Week Whole & Healthy

It seem like I'm feduddled in the brain ... but I'm glad to start chemo Christmas week. What a better gift than that of saving my life? Sure, it's possible that I won't feel good physically. It is, however, just as likely that I'll feel like I've done something wonderful for myself!!

Well Supported. After today's conversation with my lovely, practitioner ... I have a specific plan to support my healing on Wednesday, and for the sessions over the next 15 months.

FIRST ~ I'm bringing books with me that have supported my previous periods of growth & healing; 1) Dr. Masaru Emoto's "Hidden Messages In Water" 2) Gregg Braden's "The God Code" and 3) Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret". SECOND ~ I realized and will use a personal affirmation that has meant the world to me over 8 years. It has been refurbished for this experience: "Every cell of my body is whole, healthy and perfect in every way." 

THIRD ~ Because of the studies published by Dr. Emoto (see above) ... I am creating graphic stickers that will be placed on every seringe and bag of medicine that comes into contact with my body. I've chosen Yes!, Love, Gratitude, and Life. The nurses will have a good time with this. They love people with positive attitudes ... and I'm full of it! (hey, no wise cracks!)

I'm aware that some who read this won't approve of the books, or the use of affirmations or, possibly, the stickers. That's okay. I ask that you remain constant in your support of my perfect health. The thing that truly matters is that along with my past study of the Bible, these things supports my faith in God and the unending power of this Universe. You can try what you like and discard the rest :)

More updates as warranted...

Wishing each of you and your families a blessed Christmas holiday!



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