Friday, January 1, 2010

Law of Circulation & Chemo #2

The Law of Circulation states, basically, that energy must flow out from you before a space is created for it to flow back to you. Often, in this existence, that "energy" is actually money. So, before I went to chemotherapy, I paid off the smallest of my medical bills. Dr. Diamond's office (my wonderful Paula Berg) received $249. I honor their care and expertise in making the initial cancer diagnosis. Although I spent most of the money I've received from donations, IT FELT GREAT!! Monday I'll pay $20 to each of the other bills, or $100 total. It barely makes a dent in the $60k bills that have quickly accumulated. I will  spend all of the donations I get to make space for more miracles of abundance. There is only one bill that won't receive funds.

Rapid City Regional Hospital's $48k remains on hold until we know whether or not I qualify for SSD benefits or Medicaid. I was instructed not to pay anything at this time. The hospital bill won't be "collected" until we complete the application processes. Additionally, yesterday, a social worker, Allison, called and said that I may qualify for a SD State Assistance Program. Although I detest taking money from government entities, this program could reduce as much as 80% of the hospital and chemo bills! Fingers and toes are crossed on this one.

Chemotherapy (Series 1 - Infusion #2 - 2hrs 10min - chemo = Taxol) was interesting for several reasons. First was the physical reaction to the Benedryl drip (given to stave off my asthma symptoms). My legs wouldn't stop shaking and jerking ... but it also caused extreme sleepiness. The tired-but-jerky symptoms finally got to me and I had to take the infusion machine and walk around for a while. I didn't have this reaction during Infusion #1. I will ask Dr. Frederickson if she can change that drug to something with lesser side effects. This one pretty much sucked!!

Happy New Years to everyone! Thank you for being on this journey with me. MY NEW YEARS WISHES: May we all know our blessings when they arrive ... May we quit doing one thing that doesn't serve us ... and may we begin at least one new project that will grow us.


I'm still raising money by selling my art on Thanks for taking a look :O)

1 comment:

Sherri said...

You make me happy. Seeing that big smile in your avatar on reading your little bits of inspiration each day make everything better. I wish I could do the same for you.
