Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Back On Track

I woke up this morning and placed each foot on the ground. I said "Thank" as the first foot touched, and "You" as the second one stepped into the day. I said "Thank You" all the way to the bathroom. I said "Thank You" as I put my clothes on and brushed my teeth. The room was silent and the computer was off. I bathed in the gratitude that I fell for everyone in my life.

First, and foremost, I was thankful for the knowledge that I am eternally and completely connected to the God of My Understanding. No distance, no separation, no chance that I am not capable of the same miracles promised to each of us. I then thanked God for every member of my family ... every freind, acquaintance, co-worker, choir member, old high school friend, LCAer, and my wonderful Spirit Posse ... everone that I could remember in 30 minutes. At the end of my list I always say, "... and Spirit Bless all those I didn't remember and all who may have forgotten me." Just about covers everyone I've ever known :)

I decided to take several new gifts with me. On Monday I received a care package from my brother's family. They bought me dozens of amazing, thoughts, goofy gifts. I chose: 
  1. I wore the little silver necklace with a shooting star that says Hope, Dream & Believe on the edges,
  2. a book called "Guess How Much I Love You" which they all signed (and made me cry happy tears again today),
  3. a purple/blue metal Sigg water bottle to remember how important water is,
  4. a 1.5" tall Yoda because he teaches "Do or Do Not ... There Is No Try." (I left Papa Smurf at home because I didn't want to snort laugh any more! Go ahead and ask Thom what he made Papa Smurf say),
  5. I wore their t-shirt that has graphics of all of the Beatles albums on it. SO COOL, and 
  6. a shawl for my shoulders that have hearts all around the fringed edges!
Once I arrived at the infusion center, I made a point tell each of the nurses how much I appreciated their skills and their big hearts. I put purpose stickers on each of the bags of fluids and syringes that they put into my body, which said either "Gratitude" or "God Is In The Chemo". Five and a half hours later I'm home, tired and looking forward to a long nap. What an amazing day!

Back on track and ready for miracles! Wishing you the very same!!!!
I am so grateful for you !!!

Jeff - Please contact me ... I'm not evil and, face it, you do miss me ... ever your friend! Beetlebum... =0)

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