Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine Blessings

May you ...
    know love
    know happiness
    find peace
    seek out friends
    believe in your dreams
    enjoy chocolate
    smell the roses
    revel in sunshine
    ... believe

Valentine Blessings!!

Copies of the "Infinite Angel" available at

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Snoring Symphony

Grandma is snoring. So are Dad and two of the three dogs. Jenny, the Schnauzer, wanted out and was doing her tiny barking thing to get my attention. That's how I find myself awake at 4:15am. I am listening and have decided to do some writing to see what the Universe is saying to me.

The first thing that comes to mind ... finish one major project today. I don't know yet know what that means but I'll bet it reveals itself to me as I'm writing. There will be one thing that will bring me a sense of relief once it's done. It's cool to think that just one completed task can open an energetic line that might be closed ... Hey! I know what the thing is!! I have to mail a thank you card ... a big one that I drew for the staff of Mile Hi Church.

Mile Hi is my beloved Denver church. It has the most centered and loving people I have ever had the priviledge of worshiping with! I miss them terribly. In fact, I love my church so much that I haven't been able to settle into a Rapid City church. The staff is so supportive of my journey (and my brother, who works there) that they took time to draw, cut out, color or sketch prayers for me. The very thick package of amazing energy I received brought teras to my eyes. Each "card" contains fun images and eloquently written blessings. I pull them out each time I want a reminder of how whole, healed and healthy everyone already believes I am!

I am so blessed by everyone who puts even a second's thought in my journey! I believe that those thoughts are prayers for my cure. Each of you who phone, mail, email or write to me on Facebook or Twitter is a blessing on my journey! And, as I've mentioned to a few, I can't complain about anything ... and if I did I'd expect to be struck down by lightening! I'm still here! I'm walking around, creating art with my mind & hands, and able to speak, write and learn. What more could I possibly ask for? I am SO blessed!

So, an hour has passed. I'll finish this disjointed missive ... and go back to sleep for an hour or so. All of you have a wonderful weekend!! A few suggestions ... Hug someone you have never hugged. Share your smile with strangers. Compliment a women on her outfit. Kiss someone you love. Make the most of Valentine's day ... and if you don't have a spouse or significant other ... go to a nursing home with some "little kid" cards and hand them out. THAT will bring you some great energy! Finally, practice being happy ... because happiness is a conscious choice we make in the face of any evidence to the contrary.

With immenuse gratitude and love,

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Star Light ~ Haiku

The star light star bright
What is it you wish tonight?
Close your eyes and dream

I can feel the prayers working on my heart and body. There is so much love in my life that I'm overwhelmed with happy tears. I've got my "Alvin Maker" on and creating art & jewelry with ease. What an amazing life I have been given!

What area of your life are you not giving grattitude? Is there an area where you are remaining a victim? Where you may be blaming someone else for your current circumstances? ... if so, then STOP IT! You are ultimately responsible for where you find yourself today. Did you believe you weren't worth blessings... did you believe you were struggingling ... did you believe that miracles were someone else's domain? If so, then you are NOW enlightened.

You are responsible for your current circumstances... open your thinking to the opportunities at hand and you will know prosperity and opportunity. Close your mind to these things and you will remain hidden from the abundance of the Universe. I know these things, because I experience these things on a daily basis. I bless everyone ... because I know that it is a blessings to me in return. Do before it is done unto you! LOVE!!!

I know your worth!
The angel on my site is from my Zazzle account. There are tshirts and shoes available with this  symbol of love and light. Thank you for taking a look ... and telling your friends about my art. Blessings! C'

Monday, February 8, 2010

Rapid City Journal Article

The blood count verdict is in... the count was... 11 (down from 6,000+ 2 weeks ago). So, I'm starting the neupogen shots this afternoon. I'll go in daily for 7 days. Bloodwork again next Monday and start chemo again next Wednesday. I'd speculated that this would be the pattern ... two weeks on then one week of rest (and shots in the arm). Do I know my body or what? YEA!!

The wonderful Rapid City Journal writer, Shell Jeffery published an article about my April art show at Alternative Fuel Coffee House. She also talked about my triumph over the ovarian cancer diagnosis. I'm overwhelmed by the quotes she got from my friend, Maryjo Suek, who painted a rocking chair to raffle off for my medical fund, and for the generosity of Alternative Health Care. They are donating all of their new patient fees ($25/each) to my care. I'm so grateful!!

Artist Finds Good Medicine Readying For Art Show

I hope everyone is enjoying their Monday! We were all blessed to wake up this morning. To breathe and to be able to hug those we love. Share your smiles with everyone! We are so blessed!!!


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Updating Zazzle Items

I've been drawing some new Angels and Suns. The creative juices are really flowing. It's a blessing to be able to meditate and see what kind of things wish to be born! Paintings and jewelry are still trying to find a home on the net. When I find a place, I'll post it. Until then ... THANK YOU for taking a look at my stuff. Your critiques are much appreciated ... tell me what you like and what you might change!! I love it :)

create & buy custom products at Zazzle


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Lift Me ~ Haiku

Beacons in my soul
Prayers from friends and famly
Again they lift me!

I hope you're all having as amazing a day as I am. Man, we're surrounded by so many blessings ... my greatest blessings are family and all of you!! WHOOT!! ♥

I spoke with a wonderful reporter, Shelly, from the Rapid City Journal. She is researching the possibility of an article about the assistance that Alternative Health Care (and others) are providing during my triumph over the ovarian cancer diagnosis. What an amazing turn of events! All of these people deserve all of the publicity (and increase in business) that they can get ... their generosity deserves to be rewarded!!

Between the art show, the jewelry outlets, the rocking chair raffle, the passion party open houses and the dance ... I'm overwhelmed. That's not including the beauty of my 14 year old neice, Nicola, offering to give me the money she's getting for teaching cello lessons to elementary school students. Of course I told her to put the money in her Julliard college fund! But, man, what a blessing she is!

So, I remain in gratitude ... thankful for all of my friends who call and who let me call them when I'm needing contact. I'm grateful for my Facebook "Spirit Posse" who send me jokes and videos to make me laugh. I also appreciate the prayers that are going out into the Universe to heal and support me. WOW, am I one grateful 46 year old woman!!

Blessings y'all!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Love Song ~ Haiku

Composing haiku
They often sound like love songs
Expressing good life
    ~ Colista

Wednesday night I woke up at 3am. As is my habit I got up ready to write down any thoughts that might have been speaking to me. For the very first time I had a song lyric going through my head. It is, however, no song that I've heard before:

     Why am I standing here?
     Why am I trying to make you a part of my past?
     When all I want to do ... is to hold you?

I gave the lyric to my brother, who is currently writing for his first album. He's also writing new thought music with his friend, Barry Ebert. I have no doubt that he won't use it ... he writes much better than I ever did. I'll just have to stick to my Haiku. Yes, I intend to keep inflicting my Haiku on the bloggosphere ... too bad!

Have a wonderful weekend y'all!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Better Chemo Scheduling

We're coming to a new equilibrium for the chemotherapy! That's great news because from the start there has been a lot of starting and stopping going on. It seems to be two weeks of chemo and one week off. This is due to the fact that no matter how much my white count builds up ... the first series of chemo, where I get all three of the most potent drugs, crashes my count. Even though my count is low for week two they are giving me chemo and counting on the third week's neupogen shots to built me back up.

My Zazzle site is generating a bit of income each week and I'm still painting for my April 1-30 art show. There is money coming in the future ... just not anything to qualify as being self-employed. If you want to see what I'm selling, please visit* and see if there's anything you'd like to purchase or give as a gift ;)

I remain so grateful for the people that call, write and instant message me. Due to the immune precautions, I spend so much time isolated that the contact you guys provide is invaluable! I love my Facebook friends and sincerely appreciate your notes and follows.

I continue to keep everyone in my prayers and wish you as much prosperity and happiness as I'm experiencing every day! If you are that happy ... you are truly experiencing the best that life has to offer! May your faith grow, your wallet be full and your hearts be light!


Monday, February 1, 2010

Frendships ~ Haiku

Friendships ebb and flow
Nothing ever stays the same ...
They can get better!